Introducing Chicken Friend
The Columbia Secondary School Community Garden near Columbia raises chickens as a way to better engage with students and the surrounding community. However, taking care of chickens in New York City can be difficult and time intensive, requiring a lot from volunteers. Chickens frequently suffered from contaminated food due to NYC's infamous rats and broken beaks from pecking at frozen water.
In order to address these issues, we built Chicken Friend, a better chicken feeding system that will allow for more hands-off, higher quality care of the chickens. This in turn will increase the efficiency of the volunteers' time and allow the garden to serve the surrounding Morningside Heights community even better than it has been already.
Considerations and Relevant Standards
While chickens are not classified as livestock by the FDA, we designed Chicken Friend to be compliant with the American Humane Animal Welfare Standards for Broiler Chickens
Final Analysis Report
Linked in this section is our final analysis report.
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