About the Chicken Friend Team

Arachelle Harrison
Arachelle (she/her) is is a Nʉmʉ waiʔiʔpʉ from rural Oklahoma. Because of her involvement in FIRST® Robotics Competition (FRC) and FIRST® Tech Challenge (FTC), she became interested in pursuing engineering as a career. After graduating from the Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics, she studied mechanical engineering at Columbia University. She was nominated for the 2022 Rhysling for her poem in Eye to the Telescope 41 which will be reprinted in the 2022 Rhysling Anthology in June 2022. She plans to use what she learned working on Chicken Friend to become a friend to chickens herself by raising chickens in her own backyard in Oklahoma.

Gus Devaul
Gus is a mechanical engineering student interested in the intersection of engineering, robotics, and art, particularly sculpture and set design.

Jessica Hernandez
Jessica Hernandez is a very tired mechanical engineering student at Columbia University. Her favorite CSS garden chicken is Big Fluff and once saw him steal a donut from a child's hands.

Calee Schmidtberger
Calee Schmidtberger, originally from New York, is a senior studying Mechanical Engineering and an avid friend of chickens.

Simon Weisberg
Simon is a senior studying mechanical engineering, physics, and Mandarin at Columbia University. In his free time he enjoys spending time with the CSS garden chickens, eating cantaloupe, and drafting pro-chicken legislation.

We would like to thank Professor Yesilevskiy, Noah Rauschkolb, and Anson Woo for their invaluable guidance and support through this project and during our academic careers.